Enjoy fun learning workshops with peers, instructors, coaches and volunteers passionate about helping students succeed.
Discover tips, resources and SMART strategies to help build pathways to opportunities that match your skills and interest in creative 21st-century skills.
Connect to industry professionals at college expos, career fairs, tech camps, fun STEAM club challenges and more!
SYSTER Project (Self-sufficiency through training, education and resources) is the HUB program of the Moretta Community Development Foundation.
Our mission is to build organizational capacity and support community groups through technical assistance, outreach and engagement. We aim to close service gaps, reduce barriers, and promote equity and opportunities in education, health, wellness, well-being, housing, financial education and inclusive economic development.
The Moretta Community Development Foundation invites you to be part of a powerful civic education initiative designed to empower individuals and spark meaningful connections. Together, we're building stronger communities through awareness, learning, and collective impact. Become a partner in change.
#MyCommunityCounts #InspiredEmpoweredEngaged
My Community Counts is a civic education and engagement initiative of MCDF.
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473 East Carnegie Drive, Suite 200-0195 San Bernardino, California 92408. Empowering young adults for self-sufficiency and thriving communities in Southern California.
Email : Outreach@SYSTERProject.org
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